Frequent questions
How can I contact PETGARDENHOME?
For any questions, reach our team via email at If your question is about an order placed, in the subject enter the order number, the order date and your name. In any case, we will answer you within 24-48 hours.
How many days will it take for my order to be delivered?
Delivery times on average are between 7 and 13 working days. To find out more, visit our ''Shipping'' page
How do I Cancel or Change my Order?
Please note that any changes or cancellations to an order must be made before the order is processed. Sometimes the order is processed after a few hours in other cases after 1-2 days. We cannot predict this. After this period, we may not be able to honor your cancellation request. If we receive a positive response, the refund will be processed within 10 business days.
Can I track my order?
Each order is processed within 24-72 hours. Immediately after processing, you will receive a tracking number , which will allow you to track the status of your shipment or delivery directly on our website by entering it in the "Track your order" page
Is my order late?
If it is 1-2 days we ask you for a little patience. If it is more days check the updated shipping status with your tracking number and contact the courier responsible for delivery. If you do not get information write us an email with the subject '' Order delayed '' inserting the order number, order date.
What are the return conditions?
We offer a 14-day return window for unused items returned in their original packaging. We do not issue refunds for items that are used, worn, or damaged due to normal use or misuse. Customers are responsible for shipping costs of the return , except in the case of items damaged upon receipt / damaged items /. To find out more, please visit our "Returns and Refunds" page
What payment methods do you accept?
PetGardenHome you can checkout using all types of credit and debit cards or using the PayPal Express checkout option. We accept direct bank transfers or cash on delivery.
How secure is my online order?
When you purchase online with your credit card, all of your information is entered into a secure SSL web page. Your information is then SSL encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider's network, where your card and transaction are pre-authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.
When will my order be processed?
Orders will be processed within 24-48 hours for the order to be shipped. When the order is processed, an email will be sent to you, with the tracking number. For delivery times please see our ''SHIPPING'' page
Please contact us if you do not receive tracking confirmation after 3 business days from the day you completed payment.
How can I track my order?
We will email you tracking information as soon as your order has shipped. You will usually receive your tracking number the same day or the day after your order ships.
Feel free to track your order on our dedicated page.